Happy Birthday, Skip, and Happy Landings

Landing on a freeway

It’s another year and another birthday for Skip Coad.

Today’s Skip’s 70th birthday. Steve Franklin, Roger Burt and the ghost of Steve Holcomb, and I rented a Boeing 707 and are heading to California. Our plan is to buzz his Coad’s house about 9:00 A.M. and then land right in front of his house.

Skip and Terry should be sitting outside enjoying the morning air. You know California– cigarette smoke and jet fuel fills the air.

But, inside it’ll be the smells of Hazelnut coffee; bacon frying on the griddle, French toast covered with cinnamon and butter, powdered sugar and maple syrup. . . and a glass of cold milk.

For Casey, Casey and Megan, sunglasses, Diane's funeral P1190232Granddaughter Megan and Casey his daughter, December 2012

Family and friends in their own spaces, often living in faraway places. Illinois. Connecticut. Wisconsin. Minnesota. California.

Christmas trees in Rockford. Ooooops. Southern California

Christmas trees in Laguna Beach

Somewhere in southern California.

30-Year Class reunion August 20, 1994

30-Year Class reunion August 20, 1994. Roger Burt, Ken Nelson, Bill “Skip” Coad, Ann Burt, Terry Coad.

2015 and 2016 have been filled with good things and good news but all too often bad stuff happens too. I always ended these birthday blogs by saying, “Call an old friend and wish them a happy birthday and find out what they’ve been up to.”  It’s also a good way to find out if they’re as senile as you are.

Or you can prank an old friend; call them, breath heavy and make a bunch of crazy noises, start giggling and hang up. That’s what we used to do.

My favorite phone calls  start out like this: Ring, Ring, Ring.  “Hey Kenny, how ya doing?”  I hate that. I don’t have a clue who the hell is calling. Everybody sounds the same, except for women. They don’t sound alike but they all want the same thing, “Did you mail my alimony check yet?”

Go ahead. Make that phone call.  Our operators are standing by. Or you can post a comment he at the bottom. Thanks Donna Wenck for your email and I posted it as a comment down below.

Don’t put off ’til tomorrow what you can do today, because tomorrow never comes. It’s always today.

Sandy, Bill, Kathy sone guys have all the luck IMG_8559

Some guys have all the luck.
If you were at the 45th-year reunion you know what was going on here.
If not, you can make something up.

I hope you’re having as much fun as I am. I’m playing Hide and Go Seek with Tatum.

Happy birthday to my oldest friend.
Happy birthday, Bill “Skip” Coad.

Joe Musso says it again.

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5 Responses to Happy Birthday, Skip, and Happy Landings

  1. Gene long says:

    Happy Birthday Bill. Have you started that T Bird yet?

  2. pugo46 says:

    #1 Bill Coad just got a pedicure. #2. Thank you Roger, Cheryl, Donna and Jerry for your comments. In this busy world we often forget how important the “little” things in our lives really are. Like saying: Please, Thank You, Hope you’re feeling better, Happy Birthday, and my favorite; Nice Toes Mr. Coad.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I already wished Bill a Happy Birthday, but I’ll do it again. Happy Birthday Bill….Our childhood memories are out of this world…
    Sincerely, Roger Burt

  4. Cheryl Knighton says:

    Hey Bill,

    You must be as old as I am and that means you aren’t turning 69! God bless you with many more years, good health, good times, and maybe another reunion. Who knows?

    Cheryl (Peacock) Knighton

  5. pugo46 says:

    Here’s a comment that was forwarded to me.
    Happy Birthday, Bill. Hope your birthday is a GREAT one. Have a few drinks and enjoy your day!
    Donna Wenck Fujikawa and Jerry Fujikawa

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